The Pros of Using Mouse Traps for Rodent Control

There are many different approaches you could take to rodent control in your home, although it does make sense to know the actual rodent you’re up against before you put a plan of action into motion. Mice and rats are very different creatures, although most property owners simply see them as pests, scavengers, or vermin ... which they are, admittedly. Mice are smaller than rats are, in body, and this means that they can eat into even more places than rats can. Just like rats, mice can chew through most materials with ease, especially when they have some time on their hands. Not only that, mice leave more droppings around than mice do, and smaller droppings, too. This means that those mouse droppings can go undetected for some length of time, and they have the potential to spread around a lot of dangerous diseases during that time. These diseases become even more dangerous when you have people in the building who are very old, very young (babies), or already suffering with a medical condition that means their immune system is compromised.

Most mouse or rodent control professionals will tell you to put your faith in rodent snap traps — traps that are designed to kill the animal it captures immediately, and with minimal pain. This is the only method of lethal rodent control that is both humane and quick, and it also contains the problem to one area. With poison, the mouse is free to travel wherever it likes in the time it takes for the poison to actually take hold. In some cases, poison can take many weeks and even months to have effect on even the smallest of rodents. Again, mouse traps are instant — they capture and kill the animal instantaneously, and you won’t need to go hunting around to try and find the decomposing mouse carcasses.

Traps are relatively inexpensive in comparison to other methods of mouse control, although you do need multiple traps for the best results. As long as you check them regularly, and replace them/reuse them when a mouse has been captured, you will find that they do a pretty good job of dealing with the problem. A larger mouse infestation will call for more mouse traps, but packs of multiple traps can be purchased. You can also reuse mouse traps providing you clean them thoroughly. With many traditional types cheap to buy, some homeowners prefer the disposable/one-use approach. (We don’t blame them!)

Traps are one of the oldest methods of mouse and rat control, and there’s a really good reason for that — they actually work. Unlike with repellents, you’re not relying on the mouse physically moving along to resolve the problem. You are eliminating the problem in the safest and most humane way possible, keeping the problem relatively contained at the same time, and you’re also avoiding causing pain and injury to other animals. The latter can happen quite often with poison and other methods of mouse control.

We recommend traditional mouse traps for the removal of mice in residential, agricultural, and commercial buildings. To get the job done quickly and properly, get in touch with us today for a free quote.